An Afternoon With Glenn Block

Scottish Developers in association with Storm ID present An Afternoon with Glenn Block
Glenn is in Edinburgh on the 12th of March - he’ll be spending the afternoon at StormID’s Leith office and you are invited!

The day will be split into two parts.

Favourite subjects from The Block

The first couple of hours will see Glenn focus on talking about his current work basket – expect to see him talking about Windows Communication Foundation, web APIs, HTTP, REST, MEF, Patterns & Practices and his experiences at the recent mvcConf 2 event!

Block unblocked chalk talk - your chance to ask Glenn anything he can answer

The second half of the afternoon will be “yours” - a chalk’n’talk if you prefer. It will be your chance to have an open and frank conversation with Glenn, to ask him questions, to challenge him and to get answers to those questions that you’ve been saving for such a celebrity!

About Glenn

Glenn is a PM on the WCF team working on Microsoft’s future HTTP and REST stack. Prior to WCF he was a PM on the new Managed Extensibility Framework in .NET 4.0. He has experience both inside and outside Microsoft developing software solutions for ISVs and the enterprise. He has also been active in involving folks from the community in the development of software at Microsoft. This has included shipping products under open source licenses, as well as assisting other teams looking to do so.

Glenn is a featured blogger over at CodeBetter, read what he’s writing about here:

His official Microsoft blog can be found here:

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