Newsletter - September 2011


Summer may be drawing to a close and autumn switfly approaching but at Scottish Developers we have been busy putting together a really impressive calendar of events for the next few months as well as setting the ball rolling on not one but two DDD events in Scotland.

Here are some of the highlights.

A Developer’s Morning With Microsoft

Friday, 9th September 10am - 1pm @ Microsoft Edinburgh

Microsoft’s Edinburgh office at Waverly Gate are opening their doors to the development community this week and have lined up some top-notch sessions for us.

The morning will be kicking off with a keynote from Microsoft’s UK Managing Director Gordon Frazer and will be followed bySteve Plank speaking on getting to grips with Windows Azure. The morning will conclude with  Steven Clarke giving a sneak peak at the next version of Visual Studio and the user experience improvements Microsoft have been developing for the platform.

This is a great opportunity for developers to touch base with the folks at Microsoft.

More information and registration

Mark Rendle Tour

Long time community speaker and software architect Mark Rendle is coming to Scotland for a tour of our nation and will be speaking in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen while he is north of the border.

In Glasgow Mark will be speaking on “Zen and the Art of Software” and “How to Manage Your Manager” (which we highly recommend). The Edinburgh leg of the tour will see “Functional Alchmey” and “CoffeeScript 101”. We are still firming up plans for Dundee but expect details of these locations to be published this week.

Our friends up in Aberdeen, The Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group, are hosting Mark’s session in the North East and you can find more details on their website.

Keep an eye on the Scottish Developers website for updates on Dundee.

“The Happy Developer” - Is It A Myth

Tuesday, 1st November, Glasgow

Ever ask yourself “Am I happy as a software developer?”, what’s the answer? This is exactly the question Andy Gibson will be asking during his talk in November. Andy is trying to build a picture of what makes a “happy” developer, a productive developer and a loyal developer. He will be doing this through case studies, experience and a lot of audience participation.

Got some workplace horror stories? Advice? Questions? Come along and join in.

More information and registration

Saturday, 19th November, Dundee

Scottish Developers are proud to announce the next in the Scottish “Developer! Developer! Developer!” series, DunDDD which as the name suggests, will be help in Dundee on Saturday 19th November.

Building on the success of DDD NoSQL last year, Scottish Developers have teamed up with Tony Rogerson, Andy Cobley and the School of Applied Computing at Dundee University to bring you an even bigger event this year.

We are still working out the details at the moment but there will be an announcement later this week with full details of how to get involved as well as that moderately important component, a website.

Check our blog or twitter feed for updates

Until next time…

We have more events in the pipeline so keep an eye on our blog at

You can also follow us on Twitter - @scottishdevs

Thanks for reading.

Andy Gibson
Chairman, Scottish Developers

2 Responses to Newsletter - September 2011

  1. A Developer’s Morning With Microsoft is surely Friday, __9__th…

  2. Andy Gibson says:

    It is indeed the 9th, that one slipped past 3 of us when we proof read the newsletter.

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