Web Analytics Wednesday

If you are interested in Web Analytics there’s a new group that you might be interested in meeting. Here’s what they have to say:

WAW is group of developers, digital agency people, online PR and web analysts. We’re an off shot of the Web Analytics Association and are an informal network of people interested in web design, usability, website measurement and optimization. There are a couple of other active WAW groups in London, Europe and the US and we had our first meeting in Glasgow in April at The Living Room in St Vincent Street. The next meeting is planned for the 24th of June.

You can sign up at http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/wednesday/index.asp?event_city=Glasgow

The group is an informal networking group we’ve got some sponsorship from some of the vendors for a few free drinks - but hopefully we can start to  bring in some excellent speakers to give some short informal talks on hot topics such as Google Website Optimizer, Multivariate Testing, User testing etc.

About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at ColinMackay.scot. I help run Scottish Developers which is a user group for software developers in Scotland.

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