Geek Dinners in Edinburgh and Glasgow

As we’ve not had a geek dinner since May we thought it would be time to have not just one, but two.

The first dinner will be in Edinburgh on Friday 4th December at 19:30 in the Amber Restaurant at the top of Castle Hill.

The second dinner will be in Glasgow on Saturday 12th December at 21:30 in La Tasca on Renfield Street. We will be meeting in a pub close by at 19:00 to get the evening going, but if you prefer you can just come for the dinner.

Registration is required as we need to know numbers. More details about each are on the registration page.

[Register for the Edinburgh Geek Dinner] - [Register for the Glasgow Geek Dinner]

About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at I help run Scottish Developers which is a user group for software developers in Scotland.

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