March Newsletter


Welcome to a somewhat delayed February newsletter. In fact it is so delayed I’m just going to call it the March newsletter.

So, what’s been going on to make this as late as it is? Well, we’ve been pretty busy organising DDD Scotland 2010 (AKA Developer Day Scotland) which will be on the 8th May in Glasgow. We’ve also got Jesse Liberty coming across from the US in April, we’ll be announcing more details of that once we finalise the arrangements. We’ve also got some events in Edinburgh and Tayside.

The biggest piece of late-breaking news is that Scott Guthrie is making a visit to Glasgow. He’ll be talking about a number of new things, so new we don’t even know what they are yet. They are set to be announced at MIX in Las Vegas later this month, then the following week he’ll be in the UK. It will be an all day marathon, nay, Guathon!

As always, you can follow us on twitter @scottishdevs or if you want conference specific tweets follow @dddscot.

Colin Mackay, Chairman.

Upcoming Events

About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at I help run Scottish Developers which is a user group for software developers in Scotland.

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