Event: Edinburgh, 1 May - Windows 8 for Application Developers

Calling all Scottish Developers!
Microsoft will be bringing Windows 8 to Edinburgh on May 1st – join the UK team for a day of developer-level, demo-driven sessions and see first-hand the opportunities for designing, developing and selling apps world-wide via the Windows Store.

Windows 8 offers unparalleled new opportunities for application developers to build and sell apps world-wide via the Windows Store. In this event, we’ll deliver developer-level, demo-driven sessions that give you an accelerated entry into what it means to design, develop and publish exciting, modern, polished, world-ready applications for next-generation devices running Windows 8.

Level of knowledge required:

1. A familiarity with .NET development and Visual Studio would be advantageous but not required.
2. We will talk about building Windows 8 applications with JavaScript and with .NET with an emphasis on the .NET technologies.

Agenda (subject to change):

0900 - 0930 Registration Opens
0930 - 1030 Windows 8 for Modern App Development
1030 - 1045 Break
1045 - 1130 Metro Design Language
1130 - 1145 Break
1145 - 1245 “Metro Style” Apps - The Power of the Device Part 1
1245 - 1330 Lunch
1330 - 1430 “Metro Style” Apps - The Power of the Device Part 2
1430 - 1445 Break
1445 - 1545 “Metro Style” Apps - The Power of the Cloud Part 1
1545 - 1600 Break
1600 - 1700 “Metro Style” Apps - The Power of the Cloud Part 2
1700 - 1730 Wrap Up and Close

Click here to register now.

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