DDD Scotland Agenda

ddds-unicorn-side-284-086We’ve finalised our agenda and already people have said they’re finding it difficult to decide which sessions to see and which they’ll have to miss out on.

For full information visit ddd.scot. Tickets are available here.

Napier / Doyle Lauder / Heriot Clark Greyfriar
08:30 Registration
09:20 Welcome and housekeeping
09:30 Paul Gillespie
Architecture at Web scale: the good, the bad and the ugly
Keith Kirkhope
A Squad Lead’s tale: the Skyscanner Squads model
Christos Matskas
ASP.NET Core (formerly 5) deep dive
Matt Lacey
Six dimensional mobile user experiences
10:30 Break
10:50 Craig Nicol
Developers are users too : why the user experience of your API sucks
Clarke Ching
Lesstimating: how to fix estimating by doing less of it, not none of it.
Naeem Sarfraz
Windows brings Docker Goodness - What does it mean for .NET developers?
Chris Canal
React for the .Net Developer
11:50 Break
12:10 Raymond Davies
Breaking the monolith
Nathan Gloyn
You keep using the word agile, I do not think it means what you think it means
Gary Ewan Park
Having your Cake, and eating to too!
Don Wibier
Responsive Web Design for Developers
13:10 Lunch
14:25 Sebastien Lambla
Versions are evil – How to do without in your APIs
Chris McDermott
“Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is no longer the problem”
Toby Henderson
Brighter to the Core, moving an OSS project to .Net Core 1.0
Gary Short
Would You Have Survived The Titanic?
15:25 Break
15:45 Max Vasilyev
CQRS and how it can make your architecture better
Richard Dalton & Ashic Mahtab
“Advanced” Functional Programming For The Absolute Beginner
Mike Ritchie
The Code Craftsmanship Thing for the Internet Of Things Thing
Kendall Miller
To The Cloud! How Azure helped us improve the scalability of our SaaS
16:45 Prize draw
17:15 Close



About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at ColinMackay.scot. I help run Scottish Developers which is a user group for software developers in Scotland.

One Response to DDD Scotland Agenda

  1. craignicol says:

    That makes one decision easier - I’ll tell everyone in my talk to watch Seb to learn about versioning 😀 going to be tough to decide what to see in the other sessions. Looking forward to it.

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