SQL Server User Group–Edinburgh meet up

The SQL Server User Group will be meeting at 18:30 (for 19:00) on 29th June at Microsoft’s offices at Waverley Gate.


18:30 - 18:50 - Introduction, Networking and Food

18:50 - 19:40 – How to get throughput of over 1GBytes per second for less than 2.5K using commodity kit - Tony Rogerson SQL MVP

In this session Tony will talk about the recent paradigm brought into play through the NoSQL movement for dealing with high performance, high scalability requirements but at a fraction of traditional costs. Tony will demonstrate a box built using commodity kit and will talk about how it may be used to good effect in a Business Intelligence setting. It will be an open discussion.

19:40 - 20:00 – Break

20:00 - 20:50 – SQL Injection Attacks (and how to prevent them) - Colin Angus Mackay

With recent reports of a man convicted of stealing the details of 130million credit cards by use of SQL Injection Attacks, isn’t it time to find out how to defend your systems against them? In this talk Colin Mackay will show you what a SQL Injection Attack is, what they look like, how they work and most importantly how to harden your application and database security in order to defend your systems against them.

Although the technologies used in this talk are SQL Server and the .NET Framework, the general ideas presented apply to any database that uses SQL as a query language, and to any framework that may interact with that database.

Colin Angus Mackay

Colin Angus Mackay is a software developer specialising in Microsoft technologies located in Glasgow, Scotland. A former Microsoft MVP (C#) for four years running, the Treasurer of Scottish Developers, Code Project MVP for five years running, and has co-organised four DDD Scotland events. While not involved in software related pursuits is an amateur photographer (which generally involves wondering why his camera’s autofocus mechanism chooses the potted plant off to the side rather than the main subject).

20:50 - 21:00 – Close

To register for this event visit: http://sqlserverfaq.com/events/262/Scottish-Area-User-Group-Meeting-June.aspx

About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at http://colinmackay.co.uk/blog/

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